Seven Little Poems


by Patanga Cordeiro

Sri Chinmoy seemed to like that people expressed their experiences in ways to inspire themselves. And, if there is a call to it, maybe inspire others, too. Here you will find little experiences which I had and put them in form of poem or aphorism. You will find some similarity in form and words to Sri Chinmoy's poetry, which is not to wonder, since I like to read so much from his writings. The following are my own.

Whatever the ailment,
Gratitude is the medicine.

My Supreme, my Supreme, My Supreme,
I am so happy!

You love me:
I know it.
I can
Feel it.

Beauty in ugliness,
Ugliness in beauty.
This way, you see,
Beauty is everywhere.

Difficult -
A challenging word.
Maybe I can try harder
And make it easier.

Easy -
A very confortable word.
Maybe I can run faster
And find real satisfaction.

Impossible -
A dictionary word.
That is all.

Gratitude -
The source of all
And the Goal as well.


I love you.

Life is an unavoidable experience.

What have I to do?
Where do I have to be?
Even better,
What shall I have
To become?